domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008


Last days of July.

Nora at torch's light

Gorraiz, July 19, 2008.

Eye check

July 15th, 2008.
After too many days of festivals the newspaper wants to go back to the usual stuff.
Soccer players of the local team are being checked on a private clinic so they need some pics to be made.
My 24mm Sigma lens at full aperture (f1,8) does the job: the quality may not be outstanding but it's good enough for the printer needs.

For red's sake

This was to be the final shot of Sanfermin festivals. I liked the flare, painting everything in red; but I was unsure on how the camera's exposure would work with the intense glare.

I recall now (on a windy, rainy winter evening many weeks afterwards) to feel quite released after so many days getting up so early and working till late.

The running of the French Tour

July 15th 2008.
What'd we say? Vive la France? Vive le Tour? Long live to Mr. Indurain, five times Tour winner?
Or, would we need another local hero to place again any of our towns' names on the international news?
Any other reason than terrorists car bombs to be on prime time news?

(Writing this four days after a terrorist extreme nationalism basque car bomb loaded with more than 200 pounds of explosives that went off on University premises)

July 15th. Nostalgia

July 15th. 8:00 AM.
Sanfermin festivals are over for good till next summer. Despite this a bunch of drunken revellers would try to go on with the party. That day they show themselves as a group of nostalgic and quite conservative people, as they take as their models not only a mock local saint (Sanfermin The One) but also they take a local cyclist faded hero as their model-to-be. This way, a tired reveller, yellow clad and Pinarello bike mounted, is to be an unlikely bull.

Council Hall Sq.

Pamplona, Council Hall Sq.
July 14th at 13:00 PM
& July 15th at 7:30 AM

Friends: Villar, Jesus & JL's hand.

July 14, 2008.
At Villar's italian's favorite place, playing with cameras and photograpic composition resources. It was many years ago when we discovered the "hand" as a composition tool on fine pics made by Kouldelka, Salgado, Chamorro and other fashionable photographers. For a while I was, like others, I guess, quite busy using this device: we'd shot as fast as we could just when glancing somebody lifting the arm... Nowadays we take some fun! Thanks, JL.


Recortadores in action.
Pamplona's Bull ring, July 13, 2008.
The runner or recortador (as I'm unaware of the right translation) relying only on his speed and skill must put a kind of two inches diameter ring on the animal's horn. Winner is the one who gets more scores. A far cry from the bullfight's bloody killing.


July 13, 2008.
A wild heifer pursuing a "recortador" jumps into the inner circle of the Bull ring.
As always, spectator's / witnesses faces are well worth to peruse at.
(Warning: No bull was damaged nor injured during the making of these )pictures.