martes, 30 de junio de 2009

We both fired at one! For Mr. Caso, a fine professional.

Orgi forest, June 27, 2009
Mr. Caso and Myself at work together, shooting a wedding reception held whitin a small forest on the Ultzama Valley, not far from Pamplona.
Folk dancers perform for the newly weds when we, placed on opposite sides, tried to get a good shot.
According to Metadata on Mr. Caso's camera the time was: 12:01:38.
This should be the official time when we both pressed at one the cameras' triggers. But, the ceremony didn't begin till well past noon! (Bride was not guilty for the delay, however). Thus, right time should be 13:01:38. So it seems his camera's internal clock is one hour behind. The funny thing is: mine's too!

2 comentarios:

edubux dijo...

Muy bonito lo del flash , pero no vemos como está la novia.

david 67 dijo...

Hummmm.... Mmmmmmm... El del flash soy yo mismo, Edward. La novia estaba muy guapa, como es de rigor. Y en ambas simultáneas fotos, la mía y la de Jesús se aprecia que, efectivamente, la novia tiene buena imagen, planta y presencia.
Nos vemos!