jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

Stand Up! (Diego se pone de pie...)

September 17, 2010.
Diego's eight months old and he's already learnt how to stand up on his cradle. It's a kind of... well... an outstanding feat. I know, I know we are not very objetive on this matter, but... mind you: we feel so proud.

Ya veis: ocho meses y el chavalote se pone de pié, sin vacilaciones. Solo necesita un punto de apoyo. Y nosotros un pañuelo, que se nos ha metido algo en el ojito y lagrimea... sob!

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

Iker & Sara amor y mas amor

Zamora, August 03, 2010
Diego seems quite interested on the outstanding private life of soccer players and TV journalists so he jumps for every gossip magazines he puts his eyes on. Unfortunately for our heroes, our son is also a merciless shredder machine: on just five minutes he can reduce a full-color magazine to tiny paper bits. (He would swallow them if we weren't there to avoid it...)

Our green gremlim

Zamora, August 03, 2010.
Diego on the very hotel where it was held our wedding reception four years ago. Dressed in a new green outfit he was a kind of attraction amongst customers and staff.
(By the way, if Prenatal chain store would need a nice ad image, please be free to call us to arrange something, ha, ha :-)

Hi, there!

July 22, 2010.
No comment...

domingo, 4 de julio de 2010

Soccer frenzy

Pamplona, July 3, 2010.
Spain's soccer team wins against Paraguay. Everybody feels this victory is his or her own. They jump, they cry, they hug each other. We're together in this; we're not longer a country splitted in one thousand petty feuds. If only we could face our problems with a tiny amount of this energy!
Photography: as always, I'm using my reliable TTL cord flash. And I've chosen to focus on young and pretty people because I found informative their passion for this game.

martes, 6 de abril de 2010

Mirror TWO (Mirror with memory)

April, sunday 4, 2010.
This mirror would be one way to be on the same image with them. It's been written by wise scholars: photography is a image-make medium where operator is missing.
We're all together on this one; maybe not a great statement on Photography's History but a neat thing to do on a sunny april morning.

Mirror ONE

April 4th, 2010
A mirror purchased by a dime on a "chinese" shop provides countless experiences. Diego provides one thousand more experiences: every hour he wonders us. He's already a real person, albeit a small one.
Juliana smiles.

miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Smiling to Mum

March 08, 2010
Diego is alraedy reacting to our voices, gestures, movements... It's a real pleasure to see him doing fine and watching him learning new things almost hour by hour. If we could see his billions of brain cells connecting one to each other, at such a prodigious pace!

I can see you, doggie!

March 8, 2010
Diego and dog's blanket.

Footed Diego

March 6, 2010.
Diego watching the strangest one legged animal.

Diego on the couch

March 2010
Our Diego is like a couch potato...
Poor boy, unable to say: "Dad, that's enough!"

Tuca's night

March, 6 2010
Whoever has a friend, has got a treasure...
Happy birthday, Mr, Tuca!

They came from Outer Space!

Tuca's party.
Saturday, march 6, 2010.
If you ever see them coming after you, just run, run, RUN away!

domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

The BON chicken boy NEN:

Feb 28, 2010.
Sorpresa! Una caja llega a casa, y dentro, un montón de ropita para Diego, diseñada por Pilar para la marca "BON NEN" de Barcelona. Josep Maria, Blanca y la misma Pilar nos emocionan con su regalo: gente trabajadora y sencilla que se han acordado del pequeño y no han vacilado en gastarse la pasta en un niño que todavía no conocen. Muchachos, no estoy llorando: se me ha metido una cosita en el ojo, coughs, coughs...
Le probamos al chaval la chaquetita del pollo: como diría su abuela "está para comérselo"!

BON NEN brand designer Pilar's sends us a box full of baby's clothing. Thanks to my friends Josep María, Blanca and Pilar herself. Thanks a lot, 'cause I'm fully aware of their daily struggle to get work. Thanks, thanks.

Good luck

Feb 28, 2010
We're lucky to be here, sheltered on a warm room, well clothed and feed, whilst out there millions are forced to leave their homes in order to look for a better future.
We spaniards we've been migrants for all our History: to America first, afterwards to Western Europe because this country could not provide jobs for his citizens. It seems we've forgotten our squalid past. But this past has not forgotten us.

My wife's little boyfriend

Feb 24, 2010
She's exhausted. He sleeps without his trousers on... My wife's found another person (albeit little and demanding) to fill her days.
Pity of me!

Gift (Diego's horn)

Feb 12, 2010.
Dear reporters:
Your device to hear Diego's sweet voice works fine. The problem is: this boy does not want to hear anything about monitoring gadgets. He cries like hell when he feels he's left alone. We human beings are social animals.
So it's Mechas, our faithful guardian dog.

(Gracias a tutti por el artefacto, majos y maja!)


Feb 20, 2010
Diego on a spending spree. It's worth noting shop's girls were quite impressed with his handsomely built features...

Gift (Sonsoles & Edward)

Temporada Invierno 2010:
Admiren la bella estampa del mozo ataviado con una práctica, a la par que elegante, mantita azul "vintage" cuya sencilla decoración incorpora el nombre de pila del modelo cosido expertamente por las manos del conocido artista Edward Bux, asesorado por la estilista Sonsoles E. Este modelo arrasa entre los distinguidos lactantes de las zonas mas exclusivas de la capital. Un "must" de fondo de armario, indudablemente.

lunes, 15 de febrero de 2010

My first video with a Canon 5D

Diego: my first video.
Curious about video recording with my Canon 5D Mk II I've accomplished this magnificent feat: a short file of Diego smiling, edited with Apple's iMovie.
He's so cute, isn't he?

Diego: One month old

January 11, 2010
Today, Diego is one month old and, in order to have recorded this eventful day I put him for a moment on the couch, against the snowy background. I've heard Swedes put their offspring to sleep outside, into the cold, to give them a taste of winter and to strenght them, but it could be only a bogus story. Who knows...
(Some flash was added but no creature was injured on the making of this picture)

Open eyes

January 29, 2010

My hand & Diego

January 28, 2010

sábado, 23 de enero de 2010

Mother & Child 02 (Hands)

Jan, 23 2010. Tiny fingers but strong enough to grasp his mother's hand. We've discovered (trial & error) he sleeps quite well on our bed. Elders are not happy with our little arrangement, though.

Mother & Child 01 (Eyes)

Diego opens his eyes, still light blue. No focusing yet his mother's smiling face, but barely making up her features. How many wonderful things he's going to discover with them?

domingo, 17 de enero de 2010

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2010

Diego: LIFE

January 13th, 2010.
Diego, our son, born on January the 11th.
No picture will convey -ever- the feelings we've been through to have this child. Our beloved baby. Our cry, our laugh, our joy.

Nuestro agradecimeinto a todos los médicos y enfermeras del servicio de Ginecología del Hospital Virgen del Camino de Pamplona que han trabajado con tanta pericia durante largos y amargos meses para mantener a Diego con vida en el vientre de su madre. Ellos han hecho posible que Juliana y yo estemos hoy mirando a esta criatura, tan deseada.
Al Dr. Larrañaga, a la Dra. Huarte, a la Dra. Karlsson y a todos los demás, cuyos nombres no conozco pero a cuya dedicación debemos tanto: gracias.